Jumat, 26 November 2021



The residents of McDougall Provincial Park are currently hard at work creating a logo for the province’s first cryptocurrency. They’re calling it WELLcoin.

“It’s a really cool thing,” says Jackson Acorn, who is one of the five users who have created WELLcoin wallets and submitted wallet addresses to the new cryptocurrency. “It’s basically an incentive to bring people to the park and it will be a continuous revenue source for us.”


The park contains both wilderness and a small village that employs 35 people. Due to the expense of visiting the park (it’s about an hour’s drive north of the city), it hasn’t attracted many tourists. The WELLcoin plan will change that. The first thing to bring tourists is a branding campaign that features what is perhaps the most powerful marketing tool in the world: the phrase “Don’t forget to WELL it.”


According to the plan, once enough WELLcoin is built up, it will be put toward a tourism promotion campaign. That means promoting the park in the hopes that more people will visit. The plan is to keep building up WELLcoins through a lottery system. If you’re looking for more detailed information on what WELLcoin is and how it will be taxed, go to the website, where you can look at the main campaign board and join an online discussion board to

Jackson Acorn says that WELLcoin has already been accepted as a form of payment by some restaurants in Whitehorse.



Buy 1 Or 5 For A Great Opportunity to Help The Kids Of Africa,No longer than six months we need to get our story and complete the manufacturing stage to be able to get the coins minted and distributed to bring $12,000 into the organization.WELLBE about that. Anyway, I finally found one. The taste was fantastic and the ingredients were all-natural and I feel like they were trying hard to be green too. They give you the occasional candle to keep it from drying out. And I plan to try the body butter next.



Organizers of the annual Student Involvement and Leadership Conference at the College of the Canyons on Saturday were”t allowed to allow presentations on how to get money out of Wells Fargo to be shown at the event.

A representative from that bank said it would take a $1,000 deposit to return the money to students and had to be held back for tax purposes.

Mark Forbes, president of the chamber of commerce, said he wanted the crowd to know about the event, but was told at 8 a.m. Saturday there was “not an ounce of space” for it on the screen.




BIENVENU After that was finished we had to run to my bank to get some money out because I took Mr. G to the bank to deposit some cash for him so I had some cash with me, so we took Mr. G to the bank and then went to my friends who also happen to be my landlord.WE NEED $18,000

We are trying to put together a simple and visually appealing 1oz silver coin to present to the world at large.



There’s a thing called a beverage promotion in North Korea and it’s pretty innovative. It’s an incentive program that rewards people who drink responsibly and use bar-type disposable cups. And, it’s bringing thirsty tourists to North Korea.

According to Radio Free Asia, the Kim Jong Un regime runs the incentive program for local bars to run. While the rewards are pretty low, the program is intended to encourage responsible drinking. If you’re a responsible drinker and pay for your own cups, you’ll get free refills, a discount on your drinks and you’ll be treated well by your bartenders.



Rapidité, sécurité, stabilité… Cette future devise mondiale se présente comme un array idéal de procedures utilisées standard des cryptomonnaies existantes.

If you’re a casual drinker, the state picks up the tab. If you’re just looking for a drink, you can get half a cup (and, as you drink that, you get more cups). This may seem like a better deal than ordering drinks, but the total bill will be a lot higher. The state spends about US$35 to $40 to provide one refill of a disposable cup. The local bar then spends another US$8 to US$10 on ice, mixers, ice, and cups. The government only picks up the tab for the $4-per-refill. On average, that comes to a 50-cent discount on each drink. That’s a lot of drinks.


About the Author:

Bruce Corcoran Bruce Corcoran is a veteran writer, editor, and broadcaster, having spent more than two decades in the media industry. A Humber College Print and Broadcast Journalism graduate, Bruce spent more than a decade in the Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario before moving to Chatham-Kent in 2001.



Wallets addresses : ETH :0xb8fda269c359281da2856a32df71aa2f6304b44d

BTC: 3GNVTpqe28jvdiQSSZwt5kwrsnnbUvu6Pz USDT :


For more information about WELLBE COIN please visit:


Bitcointalk Username: Thibaut Courtois
Telegram Username: https://t.me/ThibautCourtois5
Wallet : 0x75D1B4077CcBA32c4997D1ac31F33B96B30D1Ad1

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